Thursday, October 22, 2009

End of the Day Routine

End of the Day Routine

1. Mrs. Kreh will ask the class to clean up.
2. Write assignments in your planner.
3. After your planner is complete, take what you need out of your crate and organize your crate.
4. Put your chair away.
5. Do your job.
6. When you are ready, raise your hand, and when you are called please come to Mrs. Kreh’s desk.
7. You sign Mrs. Kreh’s sheet as she signs your planner.
8. Go to your seat and organize your homework, signed sheets for Mrs. Kreh, and put your books away.
9. Walk to the door and wait in line to go to your locker. (FIVE ALIVE)
10.Return to your desk and stand behind it until dismissal.

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